Saturday, April 23, 2016

How to Install Mercurial in CentOS 7

Mercurial is an open-source distributed source control management tool. It is not available in CentOS default repositories and epel-release repository. However, it is possible to add it as a 'yum' package repository and get automatic updates. The procedure to do so is the following:
  • Create a new file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ by issuing the following command:
$ sudo touch mercurial.repo
  • Add the following contents into newly created 'mercurial.repo' file:
name=Mercurial packages for CentOS7
# baseurl
  • Verify that the new repository is recognized by yum with the below command. You should be able to see the newly configured repository in the listed repositories.
$ yum repolist
  •  Install the latest version of Mercurial by issuing the following command:
$ sudo yum install mercurial
Enjoy using the latest version of Mercurial on your CentOS7 machine.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to Install SimpleScreenRecorder in Fedora 23

SimpleScreenRecorder is a desktop session recorder and my personal favorite for the Job. It is not available in main Fedora repositories or RPMFusion repository.  For Fedora 22, it is available in Fedora copr repository 'mosquito/myrepo'  but it seems that the copr repo is not working properly in Fedora 23 (as of today 30.1.2016). You can install the SimpleScreenRecorder in Fedora 23 by issuing the following command:
$ su -c 'dnf -y install'
The above RPM comes from OpenSuSe but works fine in Fedora 23 as I have personally tested it. Enjoy using SimpleScreenRecorder. If you have got a question, please ask in the comments section.