Sunday, December 13, 2015

How to Install Multimedia and Additional Packages on CentOS 7

After installing the CentOS 7.1, configure the following repositories to get everything in order:

  • Enable CentOSPlus by editing the file /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo.
    $ vim /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
    Locate the CentOSPlus section ( [centosplus] ) and change enabled=0 to enabled=1. Save and exit.

  • Enable the EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository by issuing the command
    $ yum -y install epel-release
    This repository is a prerequisite for secondary repositories and contains many useful packages e.g. ntfs-3g package which enables NTFS partitions mounting and unmounting in CentOS 7.

  • Enable the nux-dextop repository. This repository contains multimedia and other useful packages.
    $ yum -y install

  • Enable the Adobe repository to install flash-plugin by issuing the following command
    $ yum -y install

  • You are all set now. You can install the required packages by issuing the following command
    $ yum -y install "Package_Name"
    Some popular package categories and packages in them are as follows:

    Multimedia: smplayer, vlc, soundkonverter, simplescreenrecorder, clementine, kdenlive, audacity
    Internet: hexchat, otter-browser, qbittorrent, thunderbird, wireshark

    It is also possible to configure or install additional packages e.g. vivaldi ( and jitsi ( etc. For further details, please visit the homepage of the respective package.

How to Increase GRUB Timeout in CentOS 7

  • Edit the file /etc/default/grub by issuing the following command
      $ vim /etc/default/grub # Edit the GRUB_TIMEOUT field and set the new timeout
  • Generate the new grub configuration file by issuing the following command
      $ grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg
Note: If Windows is installed before installing CentOS, running grub2-mkcondig should detect Windows boot loader too.